Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How You Can Benefit from the Income Producing Power of a Large Scale Mastermind Alliance -

You\'ve heard it before.  There is economic power in numbers.  This economic power starts when members of this mastermind alliance collaborate and create a $36,000,000/month crowdfunding pool to fund and launch a new economic vision. [...]

Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to build wealth with little money

This is a very specific system showing you how to build wealth with little money. You will learn how to write a business plan, get crowdfunded and then get free marketing and exposure to a [...]

Monday, July 9, 2018

ECFCS: Evolution in the Creation of New Home Based Business Opportunities -

An evolution in the creation of new home based business opportunities is here.  It’s called the Empowered the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS).  Be one of the first to benefit.   ECFCS stands for Empower [...]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Work Trends That Will Change Everything

Income Reengineering will change everything. Here's a snapshot:

  • The hourly wage and salary, as the primary form of compensation paid to employees, will go the way of the horse and buggy ...i.e. complete obsolescense in the workplace will company sponsored benefits;
  • Workplace relationships will shift away from traditional employer/employee relationships to a network of workplace partnerships with each partner performing well defined roles;
  • Work will be virtually 100% project centric where you are not hired as an employee in the traditional way. Instead, you are hired on to a project team as an independent consultant/contractor to work on a given project within a company or corporation. Once that project is finished, the team disbands. After the team disbands, you may land on a another team within the same company or you may have to move to another company altogether. The routine day to day processing functions normally associated with steady employment will be increasingly automated;
  • Using the internet and virtual workspaces, you may even work on multiple project teams with multiple companies simultaneously.
You've seen snips of these trends for years (i.e. a continuing decrease in job security, on-going downsizing, global outsourcing or offshoring trends, etc). However, because of Income Reengineering principles and processes, these trends are about to accelerate exponentially and at lightning speed. ARE YOU READY? To learn more, start with